WordPress 2.5 Upgrade

Well I took the plunge and upgraded this blog to WordPress 2.5. For the most part all went smoothly, not to many hiccups. Plugin compatibility is always were I have some problems it seems. Not that I run a great deal of plugins, but one or two of them always break when a new version of WordPress is released. This upgrade was no exception. The two plugins I had the most problems with this time are Similar Posts and Popularity Contest.

Popularity Contest is broken, and I don’t really care if it gets fixed. Sure I like having a list of the most popular posts on the sidebar, but my life won’t end if it does not work. I might look at adding it back in if it gets fixed in the future.

The one plugin I did want to keep is the Similar Posts plugin. I like how it works and adds in related posts for people to find at the end of posts. This one was an easy fix. Just had to install the Post-Plugin Library to get it working again.

I like the new plugin update feature. It makes it very easy to update your plugins and to keep them current. It will certainly encourage people to update plugins and help keep their WordPress blog secure. The new Admin interface takes a little getting used to but it is a little more polished than the previous version. I kind of miss having some of the options on the side, but I’ll get used to it. Overall some great work by the WordPress team to get this version out.

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