WordPress Paradise Themes
It is possible that you landed here at WordPress Paradise looking for one of the WordPress Themes called Paradise. Makes sense really the domain name WPParadise.com is a great name for a WordPress theme. If you are looking for one of the WordPress themes called Paradise here are three possible themes that you might actually be looking for.
Paradise Premium WP Theme
This theme available over at ThemeForest is a nice looking theme. Offers 16 different color combinations and a long list of features. Along with the long list of features the theme is only $40.00 and with your purchase you get the theme, 5 PSD files, all background images used in the live preview, detailed documentation and support in the support forum. Perhaps that theme will take you to WordPress paradise.
Paradise One Page Portfolio Theme
This theme is not your usual WordPress theme. It is designed as a one page portfolio theme and has some nice effects. It is built using Twitter Bootstrap and looks good on both desktop and mobile devices. It will also only cost you $25.00 to purchase so it is affordable. Definately a theme to take a look. The one page website theme is really popular right now and this makes it easy to manage one using WordPress.
Paradise by WPJuices
This theme called Paradise by WPJuices is the only free theme I could find titles Paradise. It is available in the WordPress themes directory and is a clean and minimalistic theme. It uses superfish menu effects, built-in pagination for post pages and has an elegant layout. If you are looking for a nice free theme it might fit your needs.
Taking your WordPress powered website to paradise does not require a theme titled paradise but if one of these themes fits your needs and works for you take advantage of one of them. The ThemeForest and DX Themes themes have more features and at their price are not going to break your bank account compared to some of the more expensive theme clubs that are available. One of the beautiful things about WordPress is how easy it is to theme your content and change your theme. This ability to easy and quickly change the look and presentation of WordPress content has helped to make WordPress the fantastic content management system that it is.