WordPress SEO Plugins

As great as WordPress is for search engine optimization there are ways of making it better. I have a list of several WordPress SEO plugins that I like to install and use on the WordPress sites I work on but it is always nice to have a list of SEO plugins that are available. Thankfully Mashable has put together a great post of 20 of the Best SEO Plugins for WordPress. Many of the plugins I like to use are on the list including the All in One SEO Pack and Google XML Sitemaps. There are also a few that I have not heard of but will have to give a try and see how they work.

One of the plugins that caught my eye was Simple Tags. When I started this blog I was on Blogger and was using FTP publishing to publish it to my server. Blogger offered labels and when I switched the blog to WordPress the labels where switched over to categories. Over time and with the closing of Epiblogger the number of categories have grown. I hope to clean up the number of categories at some point this year and start using categories and tags. I have not been looking forward to that task, but perhaps Simple Tags will help me accomplish it. Does anyone have experience with Simple Tags and how well it auto generates tags for posts?

If you are interested in WordPress SEO take a look at the post and some of the plugins they talk about and try some of them out if you want to improve your WordPress blog search engine optimization.

Categories: seo   wordpress