WordPress Weekend Project - CommentLuv

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Attribution License by koka_sexton

One of the things I like best about WordPress is how easy it is to extend it with new plugins. You can add new features and tweak many different things on your website with just a few clicks by adding a new plugin. Recently I thought I would add a new plugin to the website to offer the people that comment a chance to let other visitors know about their latest blog posts. The plugin is called CommentLuv by Andy Bailey.

CommentLuv is a great plugin to show that latest blog posts of the people who comment on your blog. This can encourage people to comment on your blog and help build community on your blog as well as giving back something to the people that take the time to add to your blog. CommentLuv works with AJAX to perform its magic. Simply fill in the URL of your website or blog and CommentLuv will check for a RSS feed and give you to option of including a link to your latest post with your comment.

Because CommentLuv uses AJAX to accomplish its task it does insert some additional code into your blog posts including some additional Javascript and CSS file. This does add some additional requests and download weight to your blog posts but it is not to excessive. There is also the possibility that there could a conflict with another plugin but so far I have not found any problems.

If you are looking for a fun weekend project to add something to your blog, take a look at the CommentLuv plugin. It gives you a chance to highlight the blog posts of the people who take the time to add to your blog by commenting. You might even come across a blog post or two you want to read.

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