WP Exit Page Redirect
WP Exit Page Redirect helps you create a meta tag redirect on an exit page from your site. Great for adding in a warning to users that they are leaving your website or for showing an exit advertisement before they go.
To use simply create a page or post in WordPress and add the shortcode with the optional attributes.
For example: [wpexitpage message="Your new message." link="Go Here Now!" url="http://lgr.ca/" seconds="10"]
This WP Exit Page Redirect shortcode would print the message
Your new message. Go Here Now!
on the page and redirect users after 10 seconds to http://lgr.ca/. All of the attributes are optional. If any are omitted defaults will be used that you can set on the settings screen. Often the only attribute I use with the plugin is changing the URL the page is redirecting to.
Note: This plugin is no longer available in the WordPress Plugin Repository, since Wordpress.org is wholly owned and operated by Matt Mullenweg I have decided it is not practical to host anything with WordPress.org. As such the download is not only available from this website.
Say Thanks
If you find this plugin useful a donation is always appreciated. Here is a link to PayPal to make that tip.
How to Use
Insert the shortcode [wpexitpage]. Only one per page or you might get unpredictable results.
Options: Message To modify the message that is used on the page where the shortcode is used simply add the option [wpexitpage message="Your new message"] and it will replace the default text you set above.
Link Text To modify the link text that is used on the page where the shortcode is used simply add the option [wpexitpage link="Go Here Now!"] and it will replace the default text you set above.
URL To modify the URL that is used on the page and where the reader will be redirected to add the option [wpexitpage url="http://lgr.ca/"\] and it will replace the default URL you set above. This needs to be correctly formatted with http:// or https://.
Seconds To modify the number of seconds before your reader is redirected add the option [wpexitpage seconds="10"] and it will replace the default redirect time you set above.
Show Countdown Timer You can control whether the countdown timer shows in the shortcode by adding the option [wpexitpage showtimer="on"] or [wpexitpage showtimer="off"]. All other values will be ignored. This can also be set as a global default if you want to always show the timer. Note:The countdown timer that shows is independent of the actual meta tag and may take less or more time depending on how fast the exit page loads.
Timer Message To modify the text that is shown before the seconds countdown timer add the option [wpexitpage timermessage="Making you leave in"] and it will replace the default text you set above.