WPtouch Pro - Easily Build Your Mobile Website

One of the reasons I love to work with WordPress is because it is so easy to extend it using plugins and themes. With mobile usage on the rise it is becoming more important to have not just a website but also a mobile version of your website so people visiting on smartphones like the iPhone, Android based phones, Blackberry and the new Windows 7 based smartphones have a customized experience. That is one of the reasons why I setup a mobile version of the LGR Internet Solutions website but there are easier ways to get a mobile website up and running on WordPress. If you are looking for an easy way to start offering a mobile version of your website take a look at the WPtouch Pro plugin by BraveNewCode.

WPtouch Pro is how many high end websites create their own mobile version, including TechCrunch, although I believe they have modified it for their own needs. WPtouch Pro is the latest version of WPtouch and is only available for purchase. You can still get the original 1.9 in the WordPress plugin directory, but the cost to purchase version 2 for one website is only $29.00! I know some people that spend that on coffee in a week, so the cost is really not that much.

The ease of offering your readers a customized mobile version of your website using WPtouch Pro is fantastic and is another great reason why you should use WordPress for creating your website. You can spend hours upon hours creating your own mobile website version, or just build with WordPress and use a plugin like WPtouch Pro to give your clients and customers access to the information they want easily.

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